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『壹』 臭豆腐 的英語作文怎麼寫(50字)

Smelly Toufu has a long history, it is a kind of extremely unique flavor, ancient and traditional, once taste,it is unable to stop, a taste for fast. In China and all over the world proction mode and edible way. there were differences in region, nanjing, changsha and shaoxing. Smelly Toufu is quite famous, but its proction and taste are a great difference. though is it smells smelly, tastes sweet, this is the characteristics of stinky tofu. Eat Smelly Toufu, can increase appetite, also can play the role of prevention health care.

『貳』 臭豆腐等美食介紹的英文


The fermented bean curd smells like smelly and eat joss-stick, some people to it respect but far of, some people will then eat it to be a kind of habit.


The sugar oil Ba Ba, The special features fries in oil a food


Spicy crayfish, the color and luster is red and bright and the joss-stick is hot and fresh and thick.

『叄』 臭豆腐的英文

Stinky tofu

『肆』 臭豆腐英文單詞怎麼寫

Stinky tofu.

『伍』 用英文介紹臭豆腐

Stinky tofu, a traditional snack with Chinese characteristics, has quite different ways of making and eating in different places, with different types in the north and south. Stinky tofu is also called Stinky Dried Bean in the south. Although its name is tacky, it has a humble appearance and a long history. It is a very characteristic traditional Chinese snack. It is old and traditional, which makes one cannot stop. The proction materials include soybean, lobster sauce, soda ash, etc. There are regional differences in the way of making and eating in China and other parts of the world, and their tastes are also very different, but they have the characteristics of "smelling smelly and eating fragrant". The dried stinky tofu in Nanjing and Changsha is quite famous, as are the stinky tofu in Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan and Yulin. Most of the streets in Tianjin are made of Nanjing stinky tofu, which is fried into golden yellow with gray bean curd pieces and has a very weak odor. Most of the stinky tofu on the streets of Wuhan is branded as "Changsha stinky tofu", but it is made in different ways. It is fried with oil and poured on iron plates. It is not empty and is light yellow.

『陸』 臭豆腐用英語怎麼說

臭豆腐的英文:stinky tofu;strong-smelling preserved bean curd

stinky 讀法 英['stɪŋkɪ]美['stɪŋki]

1、adj. 發惡臭的

2、n. 全景雷達;環視雷達站















foul 讀法 英[faʊl]美[faʊl]

1、adj. 犯規的;邪惡的;污穢的;淤塞的

2、vt. 犯規;弄臟;淤塞;纏住,妨害

3、vi. 犯規;腐爛;纏結

4、n. 犯規;纏繞

5、adv. 違反規則地,不正當地


1、foul water污水;危險水域

2、foul play嚴重犯規;不公平的比賽;不正當行為

3、technical foul 技術犯規

4、foul language粗話,粗活

5、foul line 邊線;界線


nasty, dirty, foul這組詞都有「臟的,污穢的」的意思,其區別是:




『柒』 英文介紹臭豆腐的做法








炸好的臭豆腐乾可以根據自己的口味蘸甜面醬,或者加些辣醬。Materials: stinky tofu, fermented flour paste, dry oil practices: 1, stinky tofu dry clean, with oil-absorbing paper wipe the surface of the water. Put oil 2, a small pot, put some oil can be a little more. 3, heat the oil after the fire and fire, a piece into the stinky tofu, fried until golden surface. 4, drain the oil can be Zhuangpan, stinky tofu dry dipped in sauce to eat better. Tips: deep-fried fermented tofu dry must pay attention to the temperature control, temperature is too large will put the stinky tofu fried coke paste. Fried stinky tofu dry can according to their own taste to dip sweet sauce, or add some chili sauce.

『捌』 寫一篇關於臭豆腐的60詞英語作文帶翻譯


Stinky tofu is one of my most love to eat snacks, as a chowhound, natural to eatall kinds of flavor snack. Stinky tofu, true to their name, nature is very smelly,passers-by from the sale of Stinky tofu snack shop front walk almost have held his nose, as will pollute their noses. But as far as I am concerned, I thinkeverything is not only on the surface. See the stinky tofu snack shop full ofpeople, I also walked into the shop and ordered a stinky tofu, entrance juicy,once the taste is often unable to stop, a taste for fast. Smells, tastes fragrant, this is the stinky tofu. And in numerous stinky, stinky tofu in Shaoxing ring the Ming and Qing Dynasties, was the palace Yuci as "tribute", the proction process is different from other proction methods, all handmade has spread so far andbecome Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance proct, so that people eatobsession.

『玖』 英語作文關於豆腐

Smelly Toufu has a long history,it is a kind of extremely unique flavor,ancient and traditional,once taste,it is unable to stop,a taste for fast.In China and all over the world proction mode and edible way.there were differences in region,nanjing,changsha and shaoxing.Smelly Toufu is quite famous,but its proction and taste are a great difference.though is it smells smelly,tastes sweet,this is the characteristics of stinky tofu.Eat Smelly Toufu,can increase appetite,also can play the role of prevention health care.



First of all,Tofu into cubes and put it into the boiling water pot, sprinkle a little salt, and cook 1 to 2 minutes to remove;Then, wok vegetable oil, heat and pour into bean jam, ginger and cayenne Pepper, stir-fry until the fragrance shed;At last,The chunks poured into the wok, add soy sauce, salt, garlic, then stir well.



the vegtables and tofu soup is simple and delicious .if you want a bowl of soup ,it is simple to do either .first you cut the cabagge into little piece ,the cabagge weight almost 500g ,then you shoud make the tofu into several pieces.Put a pot on the fire .heating the pot ,putting some oil ,putting the cabbage and some vinegger and a bowl of water .when the water boilling ,you should put the tofu to the pot .and after two minutes ,puts another bowl water into the pot.after the water in the pot boilling you should contain the soup to your big beautiful bowl . a delicious and hot vegetable tofu soup finished.



Stinky tofu is one of my most love to eat snacks, as a chowhound, natural to eatall kinds of flavor snack. Stinky tofu, true to their name, nature is very smelly,passers-by from the sale of Stinky tofu snack shop front walk almost have held his nose, as will pollute their noses. But as far as I am concerned, I thinkeverything is not only on the surface.

See the stinky tofu snack shop full ofpeople, I also walked into the shop and ordered a stinky tofu, entrance juicy,once the taste is often unable to stop, a taste for fast. Smells, tastes fragrant, this is the stinky tofu. And in numerous stinky, stinky tofu in Shaoxing ring the Ming and Qing Dynasties, was the palace Yuci as "tribute", the proction process is different from other proction methods, all handmade has spread so far andbecome Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance proct, so that people eatobsession.




King Liu An of Huainan,the Western Han Dynasty is the grandson of Liu Bang,in 164 BC,was crowned king of Huainan,the city at Shouchun?Ie Anhui Shouxian County Chengguan?,famous ancient and modern in the Shouchun city.Liu Anhao Neo Confucianism,desire ever-young operation,spared no expense to recruit art scholars,there are many famous Soviet non,Li Shang,Tian,Leibo,by Wu Bo,Jin Chang,inmentum,Zuo Hao eight people,known as the "eight".Liu An and Hachi accompanied,Deng Beishan made furnace,refining elixir to life.They take the mountains,"Pearl","spring","horse" Sanquan water Qinglie grinding Dou,he Dou cultivate Dan Miao,alchemy unexpectedly fail,soybean milk and the synthesis of an aromatic brine attractive,white and tender.Local farmer to take bold and eat,even delicious,so called "tofu".Kitayama renamed from "in",Liu An also inadvertently become a tofu ancestors.Since Liu An invented tofu,Bagongshan for tens of miles around the country,a be worthy of the name "bean town".The bean curd will naturally have bean curd dishes.In others,not to say the housewife,is fourteen five years old baby can make several flavors of tofu dishes.After the reform and opening up,in the streets of the "tofu shop" meet the eye everywhere,known far and wide.Not only that the local people often come to see,Hefei,Bengbu and other neighboring cities and counties who regularly visit "bean curd",even Germany,Britain,Japan,Holland,Czech,Slovakia,Hongkong,Taiwan and other countries and regions of the guests are often gathered in,taste "Peach-Shaped Mantou tofu","bean curd," Pipa "grape tofu","bean curd as money" 400 balance modeling realistic,colorful,unusual taste,unique flavor of the bean curd dishes.Soybeans in water becomes tofu processing,

『拾』 著名的長沙臭豆腐英文

Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odor. It is a snack that is usually sold at night markets or roadside stands or as a side dish in lunch bars rather than in restaurants.



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